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Unsere Songs

Skyfall Adele 

I feel the earth move Carole King 

Just the way you are Billy Joel
A natural woman Carole King 

Easy Lionel Richie 

Misty Erroll Garner 

Mercy Duffy
Que-reste-t-il? / I wish you love  Charles Trenet 

Overjoyed  Stevie Wonder
Upside down / I wish  Rodgers & Edwards / Stevie Wonder 

Loverman  Davis / Ramirez/ Sherman
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free  Nina Simone
Just the two of us  Bill Withers
Spooky  Dusty Springfield 

Lullaby of Birdland  George Shearing 

Georgia  Ray Charles 

Close to you  Bacharach / David

My old flame Johnston / Coslow

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